We will help your business to enter the Global South markets

Global South is the most rapidly growing region in the world

The economy of the Global South countries grow much faster than the rest of the world. Some countries demonstrate up to 10% GDP growth every year.

Competition is low

Global South Markets are still very far from being saturated. There are many free market niches.

Little government regulation

In many Global South countries the government regulations are very light. There are many businesses where the regulations are practically, non-existent. 

Cheap workforce

Considering that in many countries of the Global South 70% of the population is employed in the informal sector, and the unemployment rate is averaging 20%-30%, the cost of labor remains very low.

Why Global South Research?


of experience in the Global South


countries of the Global South


clients ranging from multinationals such as Google, Heineken, BAT to the small start-up companies

What do we offer?

We are doing market research projects across Africa, Middle East, South Asia and Latin America

We help companies to create their market launch strategy by doing the market sizing and competitive landscape exploration

We will identify unmet needs and help creating new products and services for Global South consumers

We are doing the marketing mix evaluation studies to identify the right mix of product/price/communication, etc.

We evaluate communication materials and help  customizing them to the local cultures

We are doing shopper studies to help you create the most effective retail strategy

We will help you to answer

What type of business to open in the Global South?
How to invest in the Global South countries?
How to open a manufacturing company in the Global South?
Which Global South country to choose?
How to buy a company in the Global South?
How to communicate to the Global South consumers?
How to start operations in the Global South?
How to set up a service company in the Global South?
How to set up a shop in the Global South?
Сергей Шейхетов
Sergey Sheykhetov, PhD

Since 2011 our company helps businesses to research the Global South markets

Contact us to ask for a free consultation

+254 716 123 883  (tel, whatsapp, telegram)

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